Dearest Courtney,
That was wonderful. Humorously enough, it did seem to
resemble one of our bits. You know, they start out pretty well maintain before
becoming much more frantic as time goes one. However, the faces that that
“Morgan” made were all yours.
Since you decided to use visual documentation, I will do so
as well. However, instead of doing a representation of us – I’m going with the
real us. So, for your enjoyment, here is a walk down memory lane according to
my sweet love, my iPhone. Just so we are
aware, these are the actual photos in chronological order found on my phone of the very first month (and a few extras) of our friendship. We
are gems.
But, then I met this
kid. Courtney Kotowski. Who put on this costume and posed for my phone two
days after I met her because that is just the girl she is. My life was changed.
This video was born of our first real discussion. Three
things happened that night. 1. I told Courtney that I may have a crush on someone in
the group, and she told me that she already knew. (duh). Ya know, “Because
everybody’s talking about it”. 2. This video is obviously planned. It was a
reenactment from five seconds before when she did the exact same thing unaided. 3. We became friends.
This photo doesn’t really deserve
a caption, but I am giving it one anyway. This picture was taken during the
hours worth of packing that we had to do before shipping off for the first time
to Tennessee. We had been living in this dorm for three weeks at this point,
and felt very at home. So at home, that a troll that looked like Courtney
crawled out of the mayhem of her closet and tried to eat us. Before Kotowski
could kill the monster, I snapped this one photo. I treasure it.
This video and picture were taken on the same day – Courtney’s 22nd Birthday! The
first one is taken in a parking lot at Johnson University in Tennessee. It’s
midnight, we’ve been working all day, and we just counted down the minutes until
Midnight. It’s a happy occasion, and the video happens to capture one of the
best self high-fives of all time. The second picture is later that day. Sometimes
you have to work on your birthday – but gosh dangit you will wear a hat. This is also one of the only good shots of my team that I have and if you don't find it sort of awkward you are wrong.
After our first two weeks on the road everything starting going a lot faster. But, the crazy part was that we had, at the end of the summer, only known of each other's existence for three months. But, we lived a lifetime that summer.
We took selfies:
We made team videos for a team blog that we never started. This video features Austin's (Also known as Pastor Austin, or Paus) love language - eating.
We annoyed others:
We did yoga/ I laid in bed and she did yoga:
We pretended to be Destiny's Child with sweet Kris. On multiple occasions:
And occasionally we worked:
And in the end, we found way too many reasons to relate to the following song. Overall, if you can't tell, this summer was a funny one. I am finally moving these pictures off of my phone because I am sure that I can now make it through the night without looking through these pictures and crying. Who knows though, honestly. In the end, I am still holding onto some of the best ones for later. Get excited.
Next week, I will focus more on the now. Hopefully. Maybe. I don't know. The "now" is a whole lotta school work, and I am just so not into that. Write back - and let's make a Maverick to-do list.
- Morgs.