The Short Summary of my 21st Year.
I went to a couple of bars, ate a chili-cheese dog, and
decided my brother and I were two of the funniest people on Earth. I took my
best friend to California to visit my oldest friend. I walked on stars, fought
with transformers, and ate breakfast with Emily Vancamp. I moved out of the
Zeta House for the last time. I returned to my summer home in Joplin, MO and
hugged some of my favorite people for the first time in a long time. I met my
second team – my family – and loved each of them in very different ways. I
became reacquainted with a cute boy from the summer before, and sat with him
outside of our hotel’s elevator, hanging on his every word, for hours. I
decided to grow my hair out. I left on another journey with Christ in Youth,
and rode in a van with ten people for sixteen hours. I spent time in Knoxville
and Johnson City. I made cross-country best friends, and ate the best honey
biscuit of my life. I teepeed a tree once a week in the name of forgiveness,
and coward in fear as panda bears walked around me. I text too often. I was
offered, and accepted a lot of support from people I had recently considered
strangers. I went on walks with Kotowski and Kristin, and in a moment of
out-of-character madness – I wrote a love letter. I came back to Muskogee for
the fourth of July, and brought a full 12-passenger van along with me. I didn’t sleep enough. I rode on an airplane
next to three generations of the same family, and I wish I could still remember
each of their names. I found my way to California once more, and travel to a
new city every week for three. I played on multiple beaches, and worked harder
than I ever have before. I ate a really great waffle sandwich. I fell in love.
I found an old teammate a long way from both of our homes, and found myself
rambling to him for the second summer in a row. I carried the weight of four
different people’s emotions, and got stronger. I talked to a boy on the phone
every night, and finished each conversation with the same thought – I can’t wait until August. I loved God better than I have in a while. I
made weekly four in the morning airport runs with Kotowski because she bribed
me with good conversations and biscuits and gravy. I laughed until I cried. A
lot. I just cried a lot, too. I completed a twenty-four hour cross-country drive
with four of the most beautiful people on the planet. I slept a lot, drove more
than I wanted too, ate more than I should have, and listened to way too much
Dave Barnes. I returned to Joplin, and waited. And waited. I said a lot of
exciting hellos, and tons of devastating goodbyes. I slept a lot. I kissed a
boy on a playground after eight long weeks. I waved goodbye to my last college
summer, and my summer loves. I didn’t go to Waffle House, but I took a boy
home. We went to my last Bid Day – and
the era of college felt over. I moved in with my best friend for one more year
of girliness. I studied a lot. I waited a lot more. I went to Nashville,
Bowling Green, and Indianapolis all in one weekend. I survived a 24 credit hour
semester, and counted the minutes until Christmas. I slept too much. I got an A
in a class that I thought I failed. I finished my last semester on Oklahoma
State’s Campus, and celebrated a Christmas that contained an air of change. I
finally found my way to Florida. I met a beautiful family that looked a lot
like my best friend, talked a lot about the future, and visited the most
magical place on Earth. I walked around Disney World until my feet bled, tried
to take it all in, and vowed to come back. Soon. I started my new year on a
beach next to the coolest person that I know. I ate a great Elvis Popsicle, and
walked around the oldest city in America. I started my last semester of
college, and found my way into a 9th grade classroom. I moved Jordan
to Oklahoma. I turned 22 in a Saturday day class, and split 3 large entrees at
a new favorite restaurant. I went to sleep singing God’s praises, and thanking
him for a job well done. My 21st year was the very best yet.
What else did I do this year?
Missed you.
- M